Want to Help Us?


Fill in the application form, your contact information and we will get in touch as soon as the shelter of the organization requires the type of assistance offered by you.

GSPSA is grateful for your wish to help!





Financial Assistance is one of the most important types of assistance for the inhabitants of the shelter of the organization. Funding sources for the union are: donations and member contributions (either through membership fee or other means). For full information on financial aid please go to the following link: Donations.

Goods are donated after completion of the form (questionnaire), in which the goods are identified along with their value. Types of material assistance are: animal inventory, bowls, mats, tools for animal care, cages, etc. You can also help the organization with equipment and office supplies, fuel, clothes, uniforms, etc.

Moral, intellectual and professional assistance is important for the society, because this type of assistance enables us to battle against illicit acts, cruelty against animals. The support of professional journalists, veterinarians, psychologists, lawyers, zoologists, biologists, economists and other professionals through feedback on our pages is of utmost significance.

Physical assistance – animal care. Society needs people who can physically assist the organization, care for dogs in the shelter, take them for a walk, clean the shelter territory, go out with the society members to save animals, prevent cruelty against animals, feed stray dogs and cats. We severely lack altruists and volunteers.

Medical and veterinary assistance. Veterinary activities are especially significant for animal protection organization. The involvement of professional veterinarians is required almost at all times. Our organization does not suffer from lack of veterinarians, as there are professional in the city who are ready to assist at any time of the day or night and without any charges. However, if the involved veterinarians increase, we will be able to care for more animals and prevent the activities of those so called veterinarians who murder dozens of dogs for money each day. The organization also needs medicine and veterinary drugs.

Food aid is one of the most important types of assistance for our organization. The shelter as well as stray and community animals in Tbilisi and regions requires food. The food received by us is distributed between kind people who care for stray dogs and cats. At present the organization receives food donations from kind individuals, but the amount is very insignificant – only a couple of dogs are fed.

Informational Support is of utmost significant for the society, because precise and timely information is critical when helping animals, discovering and preventing animal cruelty. Types of informational support also are spreading-sharing the web-site of the organization and other internet resources to facilitate animal rights and safety.



© 2023 GSPSA
Voluntarily created by GSPSA member Irakli Geleishvili
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