The non-government not-for-profit union (association) "Georgian Society for the Protection and Safety of Animals" - GSPSA (ID 205171847) was founded in 2006. The union operates according to Georgian legislation and charter registered by the Ministry of Justice of Georgia by decision # 851 dated July 18, 2006.
The idea to establish the organization existed for some years before the actual incorporation. Namely, three years before the registration of the organization a shelter for stray dogs was formed with the help and direct participation of the union’s current members. Since then the shelter has been a home for over a hundred animals, most of which have been adopted by animal lovers and caring owners. The shelter for stray animals functions to this day.
The main objectives of the union are protecting and saving animals, preserving biological diversity and establishing protection mechanisms and tools, creating harmonious relationships between humans and the animal world, studying international standards and practices as well as integrating the recent best practices and standards into public mentality in Georgia.
For the detailed objectives please refer to the GSPSA mission
In 2012, with the help and financing of "Brigitte Bardot Foundation", GSPSA started the sterilization program for homeless animals in Georgia for the first time.
Since 2020, a "boarding house for traumatized dogs" has been established on the basis of the organization's Animal shelter. From this period, GSPSA started receiving only traumatized homeless animals, the number of which is significantly large in Georgia.
In 2021, the organization purchased land plots and started building an animal village. This village was named: "Richi" animal village.
The main goal of the “Georgian Society for the Protection and Safety of Animals” is fight for establishing legislation suitable for the protection of animal rights in Georgia and ratification of the international acts in the field by the state legislative body.
GSPSA has formed some ties with animal protection organizations abroad. The union has signed a memorandum of cooperation with other non-governmental and governmental organizations in Georgia.