In June 2015 the shelter of Georgian Society for the Protection and Safety of Animals (GSPSA) has received the dogs endangered and saved during flood in Tbilisi. Each of them received veterinary aid. Some of them are still taking treatment and are still rehabilitating.
The information of GSPSA for June: In June there are received dogs -42, cats-3, birds -2. 2 dogs are returned to the primary territory. 18 dogs were returned to the shelter of Tamaz Elizbarashvili. 4 dogs from Tamaz elizbarasvili shelter are remaining in our shelter and passing the course of treatment and rehabilitation. 6 dogs, 3 cats and 2 birds[ ducks ] were adopted by new owners; 3 dogs are fostered. one dog died by disiese.
According data for June 1st in the shelter of GSPSA are remaining 35 dogs and 1 cat. The part of them are still taking veterinary- medical care. The Georgian Society of Protection and Safety of Animals express its gratitude to the physical and juridic persons, who helped us in saving and taking care of endangered animals during flood of June 2015.