On June 11, 2010 the Board Chairman of GSPSA - Teimuraz Tsikoridze, the Vice Chairman - Zuri Shakarishvili, the Board member - Tamar Burduli and the member of the Society Nikolaus de Silva visited city Gori with the purpose elucidating a question in connection with the problem of homeless animals in Gori. By the accredited foreigners in Gori was informed that there was a unhuman attitudes to homeless animals. They expressed worry on vague fate of caught animals. The Board Chairman of GSPSA - Teimuraz Tsikoridze has made appeal to the Municipality of Gori. The main request of the appeal was to stop the violence and mass killing of the homeless animals in Gori, and the need for using internationally proven methods for the control of their population. It is important that the head of the Gori Municipality administration Mr. Davit Khmiadashvili met the representatives of GSPSA , he expressed desire on partnership to support eradication of problem in this sphere. Our representatives have met to Mr. Alexandre Makrakhidze - chairman of the contractor organization ("Arqmshenstudia 2002" L.t.d.), and its management, that is working on the problem of homeless animals. There was a discussion in connection with homeless animals. Also there was mentioned that the result of war-time period about 30 000 families under compulsion have left their places, but a lot of dogs of these families have become homeless. These animals started direction to Gori in search of a living. So, nowadays the quantity of homeless animals is more of possible limit in Gori. With all ensuing consequences, we have many unsolved problems. Both sides had discussion about regulating the mentioned problems. The Chairman of the contractor organization is ready to collaborate with Georgian Society for the Protection and Safety of Animals. The representatives of GSPSA inspected the Base of the Contractor organization, for which is necessary, expansion and technical equipment. It was made decision that the Board of Gori and Georgian Society for the Protection and Safety of Animals, will collaborate and activate with the international human methods. Now GSPSA is working on program in connection with this region. The main direction of this program will be vaccination and sterilization of homeless animals. It is inevitable to arrange a shelter and a Base of veterinary-reabilitation for animals. The same time no one healthy animal will not be killed. The mentioned program will receive financial support from donor organization and private person. In Gori the representative of GSPSA will be, the member of GSPSA, citizen of Germany Nikolaus de Silva.
In the nearest future we plan to open a branch of GSPSA in Gori.
"Georgian Georgian Society for the Protection and Safety of Animals" will do everything for using internationally proven methods for the control of homeless animals' population in this region and shortening the quantity of stray animals using human methods, prohibit cruelty attitudes to animals.
The appeal of GSPSA to the Board of Gori (GEO).