ჩვენი პროდუქტები და სერვისები

ამ პროდუქტებისა და სერვისების გაყიდვის შედეგად მიღებული მოგება ხმარდება მხოლოდ არაკომერციული ორგანიზაციის საქველმოქმედო მიზნების რეალიზებას

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Profits from the sale of these products and services are used solely for the charitable purposes of the non-profit organization.




18 November 2020
Horrific footage of animal cruelty in Tbilisi
11 November 2020
Interesting Stories  |  News
Dutch fur import ban one step closer, thanks to the Party for the Animals
9 November 2020
News  |  Cruelty to Animals
The dog was left on the railway to die intentionally
7 October 2020
Activities  |  News
World Animal Day 2020
29 September 2020
Media  |  News
Maestro TV - World Rabies Day
17 September 2020
October 4 - World Animal Day
16 September 2020
New Project of GSPSA - Multifunctional Complex for Animals
15 September 2020
Media  |  Projects and Programs  |  News
Joint project of "Global Vets Aid" and GSPSA for Strays in Georgia
21 July 2020
News  |  Cruelty to Animals
A Surgeon killed a sleeping stray dog with with a few shots
14 July 2020
TV Rustavi 2
10 July 2020
Media  |  News  |  სიახლეები დათვებზე
(ქართული) Goergia Today - გორის დამალული სირცხვილი, და არა, ეს არ არის სტალინი
25 June 2020
Activities  |  News
GSPSA demands the draft law on Welfare of Domestic Animals to be withdrawn before the first reading at the plenary session in Parliament
25 June 2020
Activities  |  Media  |  News
TV Pirveli - I have the Right to Live
14 June 2020
Activities  |  News
Historical Win - Controversial 'Mercosur Deal' is off the Table
10 June 2020
News  |  Cruelty to Animals
Lomisoba - A mixture of Pagan and Christian Traditions
7 June 2020
TV Mtavari - Animal Cruelty in Georgia
31 May 2020
News  |  Cruelty to Animals
სოციალურ ქსელში გამოქვეყნდა ვიდეო ცხოველისადმი სისასტიკის ფაქტზე
27 April 2020
Featured  |  Projects and Programs  |  Ads
Guardian From a Distance Program
22 April 2020
Activities  |  Projects and Programs  |  News
"Help the Strays" Program Update
16 April 2020
Blog  |  News
Covid-19: An Animal Welfare Wake-Up Call
8 April 2020
Pregnant Husky dog thrown of the 12th floor of a building
1 April 2020
Activities  |  Projects and Programs  |  News
GSPSA's "Help The Strays" program progress
27 March 2020
Featured  |  Activities  |  Projects and Programs  |  Ads  |  News
GSPSA's Emergency Program "Help the Strays".
13 March 2020
Interesting Stories  |  News
Pets and COVID-19
26 February 2020
Blog  |  News
How a "Potato" led me to GSPSA - Jade Mouquet
10 February 2020
Interesting Stories  |  News
(ქართული) ხოაკინ ფენიქსის სიტყვა - ოსკარების დაჯილდოება 2020
5 February 2020
Featured  |  News
GSPSA Negatively Evaluates Georgian draft law on “Welfare of Domestic Animals”
26 January 2020
Blog  |  News
Anjelica Tejada: "We treasure every day with him"
8 January 2020
Interesting Stories  |  News
Will Australia solve Problem by killing 10,000 camels?
8 January 2020
Featured  |  News
GSPSA - 17 Years of fight for Animal Rights in Georgia
© 2023 GSPSA
Voluntarily created by GSPSA member Irakli Geleishvili
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