Vet Service



GSPSA Veterinary Service


Veterinary service of GSPSA shelter is a structural unit of the Georgian Society of Protection and Safety of Animals. Veterinary service helps animals received in the shelter. The shelter mainly takes in traumatized stray animals. The shelter has received more than 1500 animals (dogs and cats). They received veterinary care. Their majority has been adopted. The shelter facilitates veterinary care and vaccination of animals.

In 2013 the shelter was modernized with the support of Brigitte Bardot Fund that financed equipment of the veterinary clinic. At present the shelter also has an office, quarantine area, area for animal cleaning, zone for animal recreation (open terrace), etc.


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See photos on Facebook.


veterinarians in Georgia and abroad.

Additional information:

Géorgie… Urgence stérilisation !
G S P S A- Sterilization Program for Street In 2012-2013 GSPSA started sterilization program with the support of Brigitte Bardot Fund. The program involved leading Dogs


In 2014-2015 the shelter continued to work on rehabilitation and give-away of traumatized street animals. Throughout the last year more than 100 animals have been received in the shelter. Some of the animals were transferred from Tbilisi Municipal Shelter for post-operation care, veterinary supervision and further procedures.

© 2023 GSPSA
Voluntarily created by GSPSA member Irakli Geleishvili
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